Positive Impact

Positive Impact launches first Dry Eye January Initiative

Dry Eye January: Empower your patients to take control of their eye health. Learn how to educate and engage your patients about the importance of early diagnosis and treatment for dry eye.

Let’s take control of dry eye this January. This January Positive Impact (PI) will be launching its first ever Dry Eye January campaign. This innovative initiative is believed to be a first of its kind and will be targeting the millions of UK dry eye sufferers.  Positive Impact will be working with its DRY EYE ZONE® independent optical affiliates, but also invites all eye care professionals to participate and encourage dry eye sufferers to take positive action this January to stem the progression of this growing ocular surface problem.

With an estimated 1-in-3 people affected with dry eye in the UK alone the World Health Authority is calling for this chronic condition to not be ignored. Positive Impact Managing Director Nick Atkins commented: “Dry eye does not go away, without intervention it is likely to get worse, but many people think their symptoms are just part of everyday life – something they have to just put up with. We want to work with the ophthalmic professions to help change this situation, although kick-starting this January we all know that to be effective management needs to be year-long”.

Under the banner of DReYe January® Positive Impact will be providing their affiliates with a suite of marketing materials to help educate patients on the impact of dry eye as well as, most importantly, inviting those affected to tell their eye care professional about their symptoms. The materials, which are provided free of charge to customers and non-customers alike, will include website materials, email templates, flyers for reminder letters and social media assets.

To increase the reach of the campaign it will also be featured on the DRY EYE ZONE website and social media platforms which will link people wanting professional advice with their nearest affiliate. Nick continued: “The DRY EYE ZONE supports the ECP messaging and will actively encourage people to make that New Year’s appointment to get professional advice. We then make sure that if patients do buy from the web-site their practitioner is still rewarded for their professional recommendations”. The DRY EYE ZONE will also be hosting consumer dry eye webinars which will aim to further promote awareness and direct those affected to their independent eye care professional for advice.

Nick concludes “The New Year is a time for reflection and change. January can be ‘dry’ for many reasons but with this initiative we want to make this one about dry eye and ocular surface health”.

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