Positive Impact

Contract Sales

Dedicated Sales

Our contract sales service provides a dedicated product detailing to profiled and specifically targeted customer contacts. Solus representation is ideal for a more complex sell-in, or where the client company is new to the sector.

Contract calls are also ideal for interim sales force cover.

Interim sales force

Use of contract individuals is a convenient and cost-effective method of bridging temporary absences in a companies sales team at any level. Whether it be long-term sickness, maternity cover or simply filling a vacant territory or post during the recruitment period, positive-impact can provide a dedicated full or part-time solution to the problem.

By using high-quality sales representatives or key account managers Positive Impact can cover periods of absence seamlessly as far as your customer is concerned and without the inevitable drop in sales.

Key Account Management

The combination of many years optical experience and at senior key and national account levels means the positive-impact team are able to access larger retailers. In depth understanding of category management also help us work effectively with retail buyers.

In-practice Training

When it comes to in-practice learning, Positive Impact is the UK’s No. 1 provider so we know that a well-trained, confident and competent practice team is essential to business success. Keeping everybody in the practice up-to-date with the latest products, as well as learning new skills, is important in maintaining the enthusiasm needed for a business to continue to thrive. 

Gaining and retaining patients by becoming their 'Trusted Vision Advisor'

The first In-Practice Learning modules from Positive Impact form a unique Business Growth programme for independent practices. There are four modules that will help the practice not only grow the spend of existing patients, but just as importantly gain new patients.


Module One: Make friends with the sale process.
Addressing the sales taboo.
Personality profiling.
It’s ALL about the relationship

Module Two: What do patients really want?
Basics of motivation and influence.
Using questions to discover needs.
Better enquiry leads to better solutions.

Module Three: Why buy from us?
USP and a FAB way of communicating.
The role of honesty and bravery.
Confidence in the value.

Module Four: Keeping Customers.
The choices available to patients.
Buying is just the start.
Generating referrals on purpose.
Training saves time and money

In addition to the money saving benefits of training and the sales growth potential to be gained from our business growth modules – Positive Impact’s In-Practice approach maximises your investment by not taking the team out of the business for day. To view our In-Practice sales training brochure, please click here to head to the downloads page

Positive Impact believes that training all the team in the ‘safe’ environment of the practice over a period of weeks is the ideal format, however we recognise that for some, perhaps smaller practices, participating in an open 1-day course may be easier.

For larger practice teams or groups of two or more practices that want to come together for training, bespoke pricing proposals can be requested.

For more information email learning@positiveimpactsales.co.uk 

Training is all about improving business performance and making the most of people in your business right now. If you have the time to wait, then learning by experience is fine, but failure to realise people’s full potential is demoralising for your team and in today’s competitive markets can be commercial suicide.

Product evaluation group

Positive Impact holds regular Product Evaluation Groups, bringing manufacturers and eyecare practitioners together. These meetings are held at venues around the country and facilitate the evaluation and discussion of new products and services.

These meetings have 2 principle objectives:

  • For companies to get practitioner feedback on their new product or service
  • To enable practitioners to get an early insight into these new products and consider how they might fit into their practice


Positive Impact (PI) has seen an opportunity for getting manufacturers and eyecare practitioners (ECP) together with the mutually beneficial goal of evaluating and discussing new products and services those companies are planning to launch. These meetings, known as Product Evaluation Groups (PEG) are held at numerous venues around the country on a rotational schedule throughout the year.

PEG Format

These meetings are chaired by an independent facilitator who details the product as previously briefed by the client. Following this detail the facilitator encourages the ECP to discuss various points about the product, again from the brief provided in advance by the client.
The meetings are held in a relaxed meeting room environment within a hotel (or similar venue). The meeting will be recorded and notes kept by PI. The client hears the feedback for themselves via an unedited digital audio recording with a full written transcript available if required (PI is also evaluating live remote web access to the discussions).

Syndicated (shared) Sales

Use of syndicated teams is sought after because it is cost-effective and successful way to quickly get ‘feet on the street’, especially for clients who cannot afford to have a dedicated field sales force. A slot in a syndicated team may be used as an long-term strategy or as an additional resource for product launches or campaign supplementation.

Our syndicated service provides clients with shared, face-to-face product detailing, with 2 or 3 other client products that are non-conflicting but who need access to the same decision maker. We apply a similar model to that tried and tested in the pharmaceutical sector, by presenting a portfolio of up to 4 products from different vision-care companies to eye care practitioners in 1 convenient appointment.

By sharing the cost of the representative, the cost to each client of sending a sales person into practice is significantly reduced. Not only that, but the period for which the client employs the service is totally flexible, allowing activity to be maximised around specific programmes in the marketing calendar.

Your customers will also enjoy the benefits!

These are challenging times for buyers with time at a premium simply dealing with day to day business matters. Our syndicated service will maximise their time and ensure that they are introduced to products and services that can help drive their businesses forward.

The benefit to the customer is that they will be able to hear about products and services that they might not otherwise readily come across, because either:

  • the supplier does not have a sales team contacting their business
  • as busy practitioners have simply missed any direct marketing &/or advertising

Additionally, the model provides the convenience of a number of different items being detailed in a similar amount of time to that given over to one appointment with one company detailing just one product.

Interested in our Contract Sales services?

Contact us to find out more.

T: 01424 851 375