Positive Impact

NaturalVue® redefines vision for presbyopes and helps take control of paediatric myopia.


Unlike single vision or traditional multifocal lens designs, the Neurofocus Optics® design in NaturalVue® creates an extended depth of focus, enabling nearly 2 x the range of clear vision (up to 76cm) vs. Best corrected spectacle refraction1, allows for better, nearly seamless vision at all distances1 and wearers experiences statistically significantly improved stereo acuity compared to leading lenses tested2.

Naturalvue lens technology
Instant comfort that lasts all day

With the TripleTear® lubrication system, presbyopes start comfortable and stay comfortable.

Three comfort agents, including hyaluronic acid, work together to provide hydration and lubrication, lock-in moisture and maintain a clean surface to stabilize tears.

New Ultra-Tapered Edge
Now enhanced

Designed for optimal fit and comfort, and to help the natural circulation of tears around the lens.


NaturalVue® for presbyopic patients: helps them focus on what matters in life

Acuity and Comfort – Together like never before. With traditional multifocal designs, compromised vision and dryness remain key problems for patients 40+. NaturalVue® (etafilcon A) Enhanced Multifocal 1 Day™ contact lenses with Neurofocus Optics® offer excellent vision at all distances1, now with enhanced comfort. 

This patented technology creates pinhole optics which results in an extended depth of focus, delivering a wider range of clear vision along the visual axis.

See below the results of the PROTECT study, that was designed to investigate and quantify the safety and effectiveness of NaturalVue® Multifocal Contact Lenses for myopia progression control in children. PROTECT is a 145-subject, multi-center, double-masked, randomised controlled trial with participating investigators in centers in Canada, the United States, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

The average refractive error reduction was 89%, or 0.48 D vs. control group

Children wearing NaturalVue Multifocal Contact lenses showed an average refractive error change of 0.06 D

PROTECT data stats (4)

The average axial length change in children wearing NaturalVue
Multifocal Contact lenses was 0.13 mm

Redefine how you approach myopia, to redefine patients’ lives

With the patented Neurofocus Optics® design, plus power increases immediately from the centre outward in a rapid, smooth, uninterrupted fashion in the treatment zone. Studies suggest more plus power in the near periphery, closer to the fovea, may create a stronger effect. 

High plus power (reaching 3 Diopters or more) induces peripheral myopia without compromising vision. This design optimises central optics via centre-distance design providing 20/20 distance visual acuity, within 2 letters of best-corrected spectacles and Wearers experienced significantly better stereoacuity than leading lenses tested.

Advantages of NaturalVue®

88% initial fit success rate

92% re-purchase rate

2 comfort innovations

92% of daily activities can be completed without glasses

4:1 Patients preferred NaturalVue® Multifocals

Lens design and technology

Learn more about the technology behind the NaturalVue® contact lenses.

Webinar series on NaturalVue®

Learn more about the technology behind the NaturalVue® contact lenses and how to market them in your practice.

Get accredited to fit NaturalVue

In order to be able to fit NaturalVue lenses in your practice, you need to be accredited.
You can join one of our regular online accreditation sessions to learn how EDOF optics work and how to fit NaturalVue as well as troubleshooting and fitting tips from our professional services.

Our Downloads

Interested in fitting NaturalVue® in your practice?

Contact us to find out more about NaturalVue®
and the next certification sessions.

T: 01424 851 375


1. VTI data on file, 2015. N=59. Data assessed after 1 week of wear; vs. other traditional lenses (with two focal points) studied. 
2. Data on file, 2021. N=53 than lenses tested. 

Read the news on our
contact lenses range

NaturalVue® takes home the Contact Lens Award

Positive Impact, in partnership with Visioneering Technologies, Inc. (VTI), has won The Contact Lens Award at the prestigious Optician Awards 2024 for its NaturalVue® Enhanced Multifocal 1 Day contact lens.

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Two choices with easy empirical fitting

Positive Impact (PI) has launched two new contact lenses in the UK, Alexa high resolution AR, offering a…

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NEW NaturalVue® RCT Data

VTI Announces Positive Interim 1-Year Data from the PROTECT Clinical Trial for Myopia Progression Control at the American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting

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